

A place filled with cultural virtual guided tours where you can socialise

Curatours is a platform for social cultural virtual tours, a truly modern marvel!

Use your smart phone or virtual reality headset to explore cultural spaces and experience cultural storytelling with others from anywhere.

The most engaging experiences are shared. Curatours is an off-site digital tour platform encouraging participation. Offering live tours for visitors to interact with objects up close and the chance to question and be answered.

Visitors get right up close to art and culture, you can even pick up objects. They get cheaper and easier travel, travel the world from your sofa, and easier accessibility, how many castles have ramps and lifts? Visitors can be in the room with the experts and ask them burning questions … what did happen to the Venus De Milo’s arms? They can invite friends and family, even if you’re not on the same sofa.

Venues get a new space, with different rules to their physical venue. Curatours is a tool to configure a collection, track visitor behaviour and tailor tours for different visitors. Venues can show the pieces that are locked in storage. Curtatours is also a new source of revenue and can help reach an international audience.



Emma Cooper

Lead organisation

Cooperative Innovations


Oculus Quest (1 and 2), iOS & Desktop


  • Simon Barratt, Vision Holder, 20+ years in gaming, an expert in technical sales and management of technological products.
  • Brian Marshall, Technical Lead, 20+ years experience in technology development across games, audio and motor racing sectors. 
  • Emma Cooper, Project Lead , 15+ years in digital production, business development, marketing, and brand development.



Introducing Curatours

Early user testing

Development Update: Performance Recording